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This weeks story

This is the story I wrote in writing class last week, hope you enjoy it.
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5 tips to dealing with little brothers

Hello Friends  to day I want to talk about little brothers, your best friend and biggest annoyance.    My brother is 2 years old and I love him but at times he can drive me crazy. If I am playing with a toy he wants it. He yells and swings at me and if I yell back he bites me. Part of my Manabu Maiden training is learning how to deal with brother when he makes me mad. Here are 5 tips             1.      When my brother wants the toy I am playing with I give him the toy and then grab a toy I don’t want to play with and act like it is the best toy I have seen in my life and how much fun I am having this new toy. Brother will then want the new toy I am playing with and come try and take it. And I give it to him and go grab the real toy I wanted and sneak off and play with it quietly.              2.      When my brother makes me really mad I ask my mom or dad for time away from him.               3.      Each day I wake up and say to myself my brother is my best friend a

Manabu Hope

Hello my name is Hope, and I am a Manabu Maiden, and I am 7 years old. What is a Manabu Maiden you ask?  Well let’s first look at the words themselves. Manabu means “The art of learning”   and Maiden means “An unmarried woman with honor”.  Put the two together and you get “learning how to be a woman with honor” So in its basic form that’s what it means. I am a young girl that is trying to learn how to be a young woman that conducts herself with honor. But what does that mean to me. Well to start it means I try not to lie but more then that I try not to do things that will make others sad. Just think of how happy the world would be if we all did not make other sad. I see sad people all the time and for now I am not allowed to talk to strangers so I can’t help them but you are older and can help the sad people you see. Think of how great the world would be if we all helped the sad people no longer be sad. My dad always says we can do anything as a team. If you’re reading this